【同义词辨析】 2019-04-12 炫耀showy-ostentatious

showy: implies an imposing or striking appearance but usually suggests cheapness or poor taste: the ~ costumes of the circus performers.  马戏团演员  imposing让人印象深刻、壮观的impressive and grand appearance,如imposing building雄伟壮观的建筑,an imposing man仪表堂堂的男人)   (striking也是令人印象深刻顾名思义好像"打"到了别人,Adonis has strikingly fine features, low body fat, rippling muscles阿多尼斯五官极其精致,身无赘肉,肌肉起伏如涟漪)

pretentious: implies an appearance of importance not justified by the thing's value or the person's standing: for a family-style restaurant, the menu was far too ~.  justify证明合理

ostentatious: stresses conspicuous or vainglorious display or parade that may or may not be showy or pretentious: very ~, even for a debutante party. vainglorious炫耀,目的是给别人看to show, to display,如resorted to bragging and vainglory to get his own way通过吹嘘炫耀,他为所欲为。 近义词vanity虚荣表示希望别人注意称赞自己desire to win notice and praise,如a woman of enormous vanity一个很虚荣的女人。炫耀和虚荣都来自泛指空虚的vain) debutante首次亮相社交场合的女子a young woman making her first appearance in a social event.

showy显眼俗丽: 指外表令人印象深刻,但经常表示廉价没品味,pretentious虚张效果: 外表好像显得重要,但和东西的价值人的地位不相符,ostentatious炫耀: 强调张扬炫耀,而不是俗丽或虚张效果

记忆方法: 1)首字母spo想成SOP泡湿的面包片<==炫耀是虚软无力的

         2)炫耀的意思是过度显示mean given to or making excessive outward display.